Thursday, January 14, 2010

The rules of 1337topia

1. Pics or it didn't happen. 

2. Everyone whom wants to be the leader of the community must all compete in a gaming tournament for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  The winner will be pronounced our leader until challenged and beaten in a one on one battle. 

3. We have a massive army of technology for our defense and will not be used until we have been attack first. Managing the defense in the community will be those whom are in higher ranks in certain games and can afford to be away from that game.

4. Work will be assigned so people will work one day then have the next day off for game play. Everyone has different schedules but the stores will be open every day. The way jobs are decided is how they specialize in certain games, for example: those who specialize in games such as Cooking Mama will work in food services

5. Other work services that do not have a game based on them, will be given to those who are the least experienced at certain games.

6. Everyone has a free choice in religion but no one is allowed to convert people. Offending some one's religion in real life is punishable, but during game play over a mic or instant messengers is fine but is considered trolling, therefore you fail.

7. Those who commit a crime in real life will have their computer and/or console banned or suspended away along with all games and be held in a cage in the middle of the community in their underwear. If the crime is more severe than you will be banned from the community forever. Hackers will be banned immediately. 

8. Marriage is permitted to any couple but not with the following: objects, animals, and fictional characters. All couples will be allowed to have 3 kids at the most.

9. When you fight with a troll you may win but you actually fail for wasting your time because you were fighting with a troll. FAIL

10. All fail videos must be submitted to the interwebz if caught on video or pictures. 

11. Every Win will become a fail eventually.  

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