Sunday, January 24, 2010

Kid's Journal

Man I failed my Nintendo history test. I just know it! Instead of saying the Zapper was the name of the gun you use in Duck Hunt, I put the Clicker. I really should've studied but I was up all night playing Left for Dead 2 with my friends. I went into a room FULL of witches. I shouldn't have startled them because ,OF COURSE,I died. Oh well I hope my teacher doesn't call my parents about the test of they might take away my games for 2 weeks. I'm not sure if I'd be alive after the first day.Sad face. I saw a cute girl today! I was afraid of going up to her because she was surrounded by other girls and I didn't want to get embarrassed.
Oh well I'm going to go see a movie. Bye!

Join us

Come and dress up as your favorite video game character and get cute guys or girls! This is paradise for those who love playing video games and just love dicussing new consoles and more!

Enjoy playing and socializing with friends in out Gaming cafes! Where you can enjoy fresh baked goods and delicious beverages not to mention or typical gaming diet foods and beverages (junk food).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gamer Girls Teenage Journal

I'm so tired of all the gross guys coming on to me from the internet but NO ONE will approach me in real life. I mean seriously its really dumb but I have met SOME cute guys on the internet BUT from other utopias -_-. I wonder if the King is a cute guy? Maybe i'll try to look up his psn or his 360 gamer tag. OR I could not worry about guys and focus on my games. That seems like a more logical thing to do but I'm tired of being alone. It's lonely and depressing. I'm almost done with school and I'm slacking on my job.

Today I saw this guy walk into the store and order a pizza? The funny thing about that is, I work at a coffee shop. Yea I know, he must've been tripping out or something. I felt bad telling him It was a coffee shop. It seemed like he really wanted a pizza. Oh well, this place is always filled with fun and yet shy people. Oh and I bought Dj hero today. Its actually more difficult than what everyone makes it seem. -_-


Also known as L33ttopia, Leettopia, and Elitetopia. The term leet actually means elite and originates from WoW, World of Warcraft. The reasoning for giving this utopia this name because its a utopia for the Elite of gamers. If not an Elite, there certain parts of the utopia for n00bs, nubs, noobs, and newbies. The utopia is a video game society so this is a proper name for this Utopia.

Daily life Schedule

10:00 am - Wake up, shower, get dressed

11:00 am - Eat breakfast

11:30 am - Go to work

1:45 pm- Lunch and Play quick rounds of CoD Mwf2

2:30 pm - Go back to work

3:50 pm - Get off work, explain to the next worker where you left off

4:00 pm - Go to the game shop next door to see if their any good games

4:15 pm- Go home, While calling some friends for a late night gaming session

5:00 pm - Arrive home, Tidy the house / apartment up

5:45 pm - Friends arrive with tons of food, sodas, and energy dfrinks

6:00 pm - Gaming session begins

1:00 am - Pass out in front of the T.V.

King's Journal Entry

Today was a very plain day for me. I'm still seeking a queen to help rule with me but all time girls I met always leave the chat room. It's odd because they don't even know that I'm the king! You think if they knew that maybe I would find a girl? Why would I want to marry a girl if she only likes me for my power though, that's just sad. I had a new energy drink today also, it wasn't carbonated but it was still good but with a very odd after taste. It was a Rockstar Lemonade, besides the after taste it was good and I look forward to trying the Rockstar cola tomorrow.

I played a new game today too! After lunch my close friend sent a package to me with a game called Fatal Frame. It was really scary especially playing in a giant house in the dark. I screamed like a little girl so many times. Basically I think you're looking for your brother and you have a camera as a weapon and when the ghosts appear you take pictures of them then they eventually do that. I look forward to playing this game again but maybe in a nice lit up room. Well I'm tired, i'll write in you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Attention FRIENDS!

Come to Leettopia for all your gaming needs! We have an excellent selection of all your favorite games and game accessories! We even have life size models of all your favorite games worlds. We have super mario brothers layout and a life size Hyrule castle from Legend of Zelda, even the Temple of Time with the sword inside too. Come and bring your friends and family for a fun time at our Sims like apartment, you even get your own green crystals over your heads. So come fly a plane or take a boat down the Leettopia, where all your geeky dreams come true.


Pikachu is an original cute and violent video game animal that became more and more popular over the years. Pikachu is a rat but an electric rat that can conduct electricity. Pikachu can be found in many video game such as: Pokemon, Super smash Bros. Melee/Brawl, and Hey you pikachu! Pikachu is the perfect animal for this utopia because alot of gamers are either cute or really violent (in the games though).

King and Queen of Leettopia

Leettopia is run by a monarchy, but instead of the thrown being inherited by the king and queen's son or daughter, a competition is held to determine the next king or queen. Once a king or queen has been declared, they may either rule alone or seek out someone to be their king or queen. If the king and/or queen fail to guide Leettopia, the people have the power to over rule them and hold a competition to determine a new king or queen. Challengers are welcome to challenge the king or queen for their throne.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The rules of 1337topia

1. Pics or it didn't happen. 

2. Everyone whom wants to be the leader of the community must all compete in a gaming tournament for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  The winner will be pronounced our leader until challenged and beaten in a one on one battle. 

3. We have a massive army of technology for our defense and will not be used until we have been attack first. Managing the defense in the community will be those whom are in higher ranks in certain games and can afford to be away from that game.

4. Work will be assigned so people will work one day then have the next day off for game play. Everyone has different schedules but the stores will be open every day. The way jobs are decided is how they specialize in certain games, for example: those who specialize in games such as Cooking Mama will work in food services

5. Other work services that do not have a game based on them, will be given to those who are the least experienced at certain games.

6. Everyone has a free choice in religion but no one is allowed to convert people. Offending some one's religion in real life is punishable, but during game play over a mic or instant messengers is fine but is considered trolling, therefore you fail.

7. Those who commit a crime in real life will have their computer and/or console banned or suspended away along with all games and be held in a cage in the middle of the community in their underwear. If the crime is more severe than you will be banned from the community forever. Hackers will be banned immediately. 

8. Marriage is permitted to any couple but not with the following: objects, animals, and fictional characters. All couples will be allowed to have 3 kids at the most.

9. When you fight with a troll you may win but you actually fail for wasting your time because you were fighting with a troll. FAIL

10. All fail videos must be submitted to the interwebz if caught on video or pictures. 

11. Every Win will become a fail eventually.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Declaration of Independence

We the people of Leettopia, declare our independence from the United States of America. We hold these truths, pics or it didn't happen, that all men are created equal, until earning more experience points. May all men be friends outside of the gaming society, also known as the internet. May all men have the right to have Life, Pwnage, and the pursuit of elite-ness. 

We will create a guild with all the Elite Pwners but if any signs of hacking may occur, may the people have the privilege to troll until a new guild is created. All men are required to show up for raids and any war that threatens our ranks as a high achieving gaming community. Noobs will not be allowed to access the internet on any console or computer until they have obtained 10,000 experience points in total of game play. All games made from cartoon shows, dolls, or have anything related to children's entertainment are here by banned forever.