Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Declaration of Independence

We the people of Leettopia, declare our independence from the United States of America. We hold these truths, pics or it didn't happen, that all men are created equal, until earning more experience points. May all men be friends outside of the gaming society, also known as the internet. May all men have the right to have Life, Pwnage, and the pursuit of elite-ness. 

We will create a guild with all the Elite Pwners but if any signs of hacking may occur, may the people have the privilege to troll until a new guild is created. All men are required to show up for raids and any war that threatens our ranks as a high achieving gaming community. Noobs will not be allowed to access the internet on any console or computer until they have obtained 10,000 experience points in total of game play. All games made from cartoon shows, dolls, or have anything related to children's entertainment are here by banned forever.

1 comment:

  1. Your declaration of independence is unique.Very interesting to read.
